International Campus of Peace Education



What is the international campus of peace education?
The campus, now comes to its third edition, is not only a cultural initiative but a true social integration laboratory in which young people between 18 and 25 years old participate from all over Italy and Europe. Each of them comes with a different background and a different cultural and religious belonging. The initiative provides that the guests are welcomed into families of the neighborhood and the meals (lunch and dinner) are shared all together in the oratory. Each participant is supposed to leave a book in his original language for building a multicultural library in oratory. A staff composed of two educators and two interpreters of the “Opitrad Agency” will lead the participants in a journey across the theme “the peace is justice” divided into seven days of the campus through:
  • Conferences: By listening to authoritative figures in the field of economy, law, international politic and mass media communication the young participants could acquire cultural tools to read and interpret some of the phenomena that characterize our world.
  • Testimonianze: By listening to witnesses of “right men ” the young participants could learn the fundamental importance of individual choice in order to build a just society.
  • Esperienze di incontro con la società civile e con le realtà del territorio: The possibility to get in contact with some social realities and volunteering organizations will be the perfect occasion to become aware of the importance of virtuous social models.
  • Focus group: I partecipanti avranno modo di rielaborare gli incontri e le esperienze vissute attraverso momenti di confronto in gruppi di provenienza mista. La presenza degli educatori e dei mediatori culturali favorirà e faciliterà il dialogo e lo scambio.


The initiative will take place from 17 to 24 febbruary 2018 in the oratory of the Parrish of Maria Madre della Chiesa in Gratosoglio.